Livestock insurance
Livestock insurance protects against unexpected expenses that may arise in the event of sudden death or forced slaughter of livestock due to an insured risk. You can insure cattle, pigs, work horses, sheep, goats and poultry with us.
A wide range of insurance coverage to suit your needs.
Insurance indemnity can be claimed within one month and is usually paid within five days.
Only a few documents are needed to claim.
The most important livestock insurance risks
For example, complications during and after birth, various inflammatory processes, heart, liver, lung, intestinal and other organ disorders, pneumonia, acute metabolic disorders and other health problems.
For example, suffocation, strangulation, drowning, insect and poisonous animal bites, poisoning by poisonous plants or household chemicals, attack by other animals, traumatic damage to animal body tissues and organs (broken leg, scalding), electric shock and other accidents.
For example, a fire in a barn or a direct lightning strike during grazing.